Ready for business-SEO-Content writer

Ready for Business

So, you’ve invested time and money on your business website to make it attractive, well-organized and easy for potential clients to navigate. Now you’re ready for business; or are you? In fact, there is one very important element missing…one that will make the difference between your site appearing on the first page of search results or on the second page. And let’s be honest, appearing on the second page is no better than appearing on the 200th page because 75% of potential clients do not go beyond the first page in their searches. But what is this missing element?



The answer is SEO (Search Engine Optimization), a process by which search engines, like Google, use algorithms to prioritize websites based on key word searches. For a business owner, SEO is a must if you want your website to be among the first to appear in a search. For potential clients, it’s also a must because it makes their search efforts easier and quicker.


Organic Referencing

Of course, you can always opt for paid referencing, which will guarantee your advantageous positioning in search results, but organic referencing is much better and more cost effective in the long run. Organic referencing basically means ensuring that your site speaks the same language as your potential clients. In other words, the choice of terminology and expressions associated with the field of a given business has to mesh with terminology that a layperson might use in their search. For example, “apartment” would likely be a better choice than “unit” if you’re in the real estate business.


Content Writer

Just as web page design is best left up to specialists; referencing is best achieved by professional content writers and translators with experience in optimizing the language of website content for the best referencing possible. This is quite a writing challenge because one must ensure that the key word density of your site positions it favorably by search engines, without the content seeming contrived or repetitive. The writing must be clear, concise, varied and evocative so that the user experience is pleasant, uncomplicated, and dynamic.  The content writer or translator, therefore, must have mastery of their craft and be aware of how search engines function.

So, avail yourself of seasoned content writers and/or translators to put the finishing touches on your website, and you’ll truly be ready for business.



Author: David Paupelain

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